An Efficient Multiphase DC to DC Converter


A multiphase direct current (DC) to DC converter that rectifies DC voltage and increases efficiency during energy transmission.

Multi-Phase DC-to-DC Converter brochure 


A more efficient DC to DC power converter DC to DC power conversion is used for transmission, compensating transmission lines, or controlling power. They may also be used at low voltages for DC motors, DC power supplies, and low voltage rectifiers. Current DC to DC converters are known to be inefficient and a growing field of technological development.



Cal Poly inventors developed this product to improve multiphase DC to DC conversion. The present invention offers a more efficient converter model than pre-existing converters. The DC converter system utilizes a high-speed transistor to monitor and transform DC power. Further, this system amplifies a low input current and can be used for powering microprocessors and other developing areas of technology. It can also reduce the power of a circuit (going from high to low voltage).



-Amplify DC current

-Reduce DC current



-More efficient DC voltage rectification

-Multiple applications / implementations


IP Status: 

US 7,782,032 issued 8/24/2010


Licensing Status: 

Available - please contact us for more information

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Jim Dunning
Cal Poly University
NFN Taufik
Owen Jong
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